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semtools: Methods for Structural Equation Models

Unless otherwise noted, all code on this page is released under the GPL-3 license.

Self-normalized, score-based tests of mixed models

Computation and application of generalized linear mixed model derivatives using lme4

Score-based tests for explaining heterogeneity in linear mixed models

Model selection of nested and non-nested item response models using Vuong tests

Bayesian comparison of latent variable models: Conditional vs marginal likelihoods

Derivative computations and robust standard errors for linear mixed effects models in lme4

Score-based tests of differential item functioning in the two-parameter model

Testing non-nested structural equation models

Bayesian latent variable models for the analysis of experimental psychology data

Score-based tests of measurement invariance: Use in practice

Testing for measurement invariance with respect to an ordinal variable

Tests of measurement invariance without subgroups: A generalization of classical methods


This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grants SES-1061334 and 1460719. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

The project summary page resides here.